Words have the power to encourage.

May the words you read in these blog posts lift your spirits and draw you into a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Seeking True Identity

Seeking True Identity

In every super-hero movie out there, there is a moment where they have to choose to keep their identity secret or live out loud in the world with everyone knowing who they are. As women, we are bombarded with the search for identity in just about every part of our life.

Get up off the mat. It's not over.

Get up off the mat. It's not over.

I’ve honestly never been interested in boxing. Why someone would want to participate in a sport where they are going to get punched and bruised is beyond my comprehension. But I do find the imagery of boxing so relatable. In order to achieve victory, we all experience some bumps and bruises. We get knocked down and no matter how much it hurts, we have to make the decision to get back up in spite of the pain. We have to dig down deep and find the strength to keep fighting.

It might be time to get naked.

It might be time to get naked.

I bet you’ve read lots of articles about perfectionism, the comparison trap and how the impact of holding yourself to unrealistic standards can lead to self-defeating beliefs, discouragement, anxiety and depression. This blog isn’t about that.

What is true beauty?

What is true beauty?

What is beauty? According to Webster, beauty is defined as the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit. My mom used to say "Pretty is as pretty does." I can almost hear God saying the same thing. 

The Power Within Weakness

The Power Within Weakness

Juggling life’s responsibilities - being a mom, a wife and a Christian blogger can be a lot - sometimes it can make you feel like you’re a hot mess…

Do you like your reflection?

Do you like your reflection?

Do you like your reflection? When you look in the mirror, what do you see? I see dark circles under my eyes, I see the scars of life, I see grey hairs. Some days that's all I see and those are the days it's hardest to function. I can't seem to get my hair just right and despite having a closet overflowing with clothes, I have nothing to wear. It's on those days when I stare at the wrong things in the mirror, that I lose all perspective.

The Unconventional Christian Woman: A Call to Lead

The Unconventional Christian Woman: A Call to Lead

As Christian women, we have been given a mold. A mold that looks like being a wife, motherhood, cooking meals and maintaining a home. I, as a Christian women, love all of these things. However, I know that on top of being a wife, a mom (in the future) and maintaining a home, I have been called to lead. I have been called to entrepreneurship and to the business world.

Don't Limit God

Don't Limit God

Believe He will do what He says He will do! Whatever situation you find yourself in, remember that He can make a way out of no way. He can make even the most difficult situations work out for your good. He is not limited by your limitations. He is not limited by your imagination. His power is not limited. His forgiveness is not limited. His grace is not limited.

Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful

Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful

I've never felt like I fit in. I'm a black woman who has spent most of my life living in predominantly white neighborhoods and being the minority at school and work.

Fighting For Your Dreams

Fighting For Your Dreams

Many of us keep our dreams of future possibilities to ourselves, too scared of what friends or family might say if we told them what we hope for.  It's time to fight for your dreams.

Getting Over Myself

Getting Over Myself

When did I become fearful of public speaking? If you follow me on social media, you know I have had a really hard time posting videos of myself. It’s so strange to me that something I was never afraid to do before, has now become something I dread. I get super nervous, mix up my words and am so critical of myself. 



You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. You are an overcomer.