It's Good Friday.  I've just wrapped up my quiet time with the Lord. 

My plan was to watch a video Bible study that I've been going through and maybe do a little devotional reading. 

But as I approached my prayer corner I felt the need to check my phone. 

I usually try to avoid my phone during my time with the Lord. 

Sometimes it's hard because there is an app or other tool on my phone I want to use to help with my study. 

But I as I picked up my phone today, I saw a bunch of text messages had come in overnight.  Some were from family, some were from friends that I consider family, and one struck a cord in my heart. 

As I read a friend's prayer request I could feel my heart start to race.  I don't know what your experiences with the Spirit are like, but often I can tell when He's quickening my heartbeat, my breaths, even my hand as I write. 

And in this moment I could feel Him directing me to let go of my plans for this morning and to just focus on this prayer. 

As I finished, I felt drawn to my computer to share this with you...


Thank You Jesus for teaching us how to surrender to God's Will.  


That's the thought that popped into my mind as soon as I sat down.  Today is Good Friday, the day our Savior was crucified. 

Late last night I spent some time reading Matthew 26 and reflecting on the last supper, or the Lord's first supper, depending on your perspective. 

And what struck me, what has always struck a cord deep in my soul is His prayer in the garden of Gethsemane. (v.36-46)   

He knew the fate that was laid out for Him on our behalf.  He knew He had the power to defend himself and prevent it from happening (v.53)

And like I imagine all of us would do, even He prayed, more than once, that the Father would prevent this horrible experience that He knew He was about to go through. (v.39)  


But then He accepted His Father's Will.  Thank you Jesus!  

He surrendered and allowed Himself to be sacrificed for us.  (v.42) 

He loved us so much.  He loved YOU so much that He knew the only way to save us was to sacrifice Himself. (v.54)

And in that moment, He taught me how to surrender to the Father's Will. 

That passage of scripture gets me every time. 

He could have avoided all that pain, the physical and emotional pain of being betrayed, beaten, spit upon, crucified. 

But instead, He did it for me. 

And He did it for you too. 

So when I have those moments when I'm having a hard time letting go of control.  When I get anxious because life, or just my morning quiet time, isn't going the way I planned, I'm reminded of Jesus. 

How in the most horrible situation I can imagine, He surrendered to God's Will because of love. 

So I surrender because of my love for Him and for all He's done for me. 

I pray you would reflect on His sacrifice today and surrender whatever you're clinging to to His Will. 

Are you ready to surrender?

Jamila smiling

Jamila is the founder of loved+blessed. On her personal mission to leave a legacy of encouragement, she blogs about her own life lessons with the hope that it will bring joy into others’ lives and help them find the courage to keep walking in faith knowing that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord. Read her testimony of how God turned her misery into ministry.

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